ROME from the sky

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Panthéon | Colisée

Forum romain | Vatican

Place Navone | Fontaine de Trevise

Place d'Espagne | Thermes de Caracalla

Trastevere | Gare Termini

rome vue du ciel E.U.R. Catacombs of rome Via Appia Antica st john lateran Saint Mary major station termini Aurelian walls Gates and walls of rome Saint Paul outside the walls Aurelian walls pyramid of cestius testaccio Trevi fountain baths of caracalla aventine hill circus maximus La Sapienza Bocca della verita Tiber island Santa Maria in Trastevere trastevere janiculum Via Giulia - Sisto bridge colosseum of rome Palatine Roman Forum Capitoline hill Piazza Venezia Trajan's forum, market and column Villa Doria Pamphili Jewish district of Rome Farnese Square and Palate Campo dei fiori Panteon of Rome Navon square Column's square Quinrinale square Quinrinale Via del Corso Spanish steps Villa Medici People square of Rome Villa Borghese Saint-Angel castle Saint-Angel bridge Saint Peter square Saint Peter of Rome Vatican museums

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